Grigoré is making his SPECTRUM debut with a remake of Push’s ‘Strange World’

Taking on a classic is no small feat, but it’s a bold move that only the bravest artists make. These productions are like time capsules, holding memories and emotions that have touched millions across the world. Some might shy away from the challenge, while others have always envisioned putting their own spin on a legendary masterpiece. It’s a risky move, but the reward could be monumental.

Push ‘Strange World’ is undoubtedly considered a Trance classic. Originally released on Bonzai back in 2000, it was immediately overshadowed by M.I.K.E. Push’s own ‘2000’ Remake from the same package. The golden era (arguably) for the genre was coming to a close and whilst previous years had seen a slew of historic hits there was still room for more. ‘Strange World’ with its spine tingling and unforgettable melody, breakbeat driven breakdown and epic finale is still considered one of the very best.

Diynamic and This Never Happened artist, Grigoré, showed no fear when he set out to recreate ‘Strange World’

in his own vision… “I remember hearing the track for the first time and having my mind completely blown. That feeling has stuck with me and each time I hear the original I still feel it, physically. When I set out to recreate the track, I wanted to try and maintain that original vibe and energy, but with a new sound and feeling.”

Grigoré’s ‘Strange World’ is slow burner. Bubbling away in a couldron of synth, the original melody still shines bright, all be it at a slower pace, and the orchestral feeling still sweeps us along throughout. Drum rolls abound and bassline drives, to create a respectful and supremely effective remake.

Available on Beatport:

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